Search tips:
- Search terms are case-insensitive
- Common words are ignored
- By default only papers containing all terms in the query are returned (i.e., AND is implied)
- Combine multiple words with OR to find papers containing either term; e.g., education OR research
- Use parentheses to create more complex queries; e.g., archive ((journal OR conference) NOT theses)
- Search for an exact phrase by putting it in quotes; e.g., "open access publishing"
- Exclude a word by prefixing it with - or NOT; e.g. online -politics or online NOT politics
- Use * in a term as a wildcard to match any sequence of characters; e.g., soci* morality would match documents containing "sociological" or "societal"
Questions about the Conference? Email Conference Administrative Manager (Munkyung Cho, phone: +82-2-880-1676, email: [email protected]).
Society of Engineered Structures and Systems (첨단공학구조및시스템학회)
President (대표자): Jinkyu Yang (양진규), Business license (고유번호증) : 401-82-81973
Address (소재지): Room 1424, Bldg. 301, 1 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul 08826, Korea
(우) 08826 서울시 관악구 관악로 1 서울대학교 301동 1424호
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